Scraps of News:
The Jalapeno-Cheddar burger we are rocking on special makes my eyes melt, but it comes with Bob's kick-ass potato salad to temper things a bit. However, this photo is of Lizzy Labradoodle, successfully completing the Wilky's Comet Challenge. Zombie Eyes not included.
Let's see:
Our fair Carly got into nursing school at Linfield, so she will continue to study various body parts and functions in between making your drinks. Congratulate her when you see her next.
This week, we prepare for a regular Parent Summit with visits from my mom and her husband, Budd, and both the doctors Clark. Our house is going to be full up.
The Jicks, Mike's band, are headlining their first show in a few months at the Doug Fir this Friday. It is fairly short notice, so it's not sold out yet. Word is there will be several new songs and even some debuts and maybe a
secret guest appearance. The matrix recordings from the last Doug Fir show are special and shivery, so I am not going to miss this. I will be the one with two sets of parents all holding their ears.
Drink Special right now: Strawberry-Kiwi Lemonade for $5.